Monday, 30 June 2008

I'm back !!! 1st Challenge......

Can you believe it, my 10 year old has just read my blog and come up with the 1st challenge.

He wants us to find the treasure aahhhhh!!!!!(read blog from June 25th to see why I'm screaming), told you I was opening a can of worms (lol).

If you never hear from me again, you will know were tried and failed again and never returned from the ends of the earth !!!! Any good luck messages would be grately appreciated xx

Half way there !!!!

Hope you have all had a great weekend, well I'm half way there with all my teacher creations.

The gifts are coming along nicely so I thought I would make a start on the cards, both of these were made using the WIMG cart for the background and the flowers were made using a K & Co flower kit, then decorated with stickles, a button or brad. I love how dimensional they are, and think they turned out really well.

Another thing that I realised today is that we are also half way through the year. It's 1st July tomorrow and guess what before we know it, it's going to be christmas. So I am going to set us (the family !!!, wow we sound like the mafia or something, lol!!!) some challenges that we must try to acheive before the end of the year, am I opening a can of worms or what!! I will keep you posted on what we decide.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Teacher Gift - Part 2 !!!

I am feeling quite pleased with myself today, I love this idea of sharing my creations and it is really spurring me on to create more things so that I can keep updating my blog.

I have had this idea in my head for ages, and at last with help from my 6 year old have managed to create it for his teacher.

I have used a couple of cricut carts, Speaking of School for the letters and numbers, and Walk in my Garden for the cute caterpillar. The verse I have adapted from one I found online last year to make it more personal, and all in all I am very pleased with the results.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

That time of the year again !!

As well as trying to master my various cricut carts, I am also trying to get a head with teacher gifts. My 2 boys both need 2 presents each and my daughter who starts nursery in September wants to make her new teacher a present too, (she hates to miss out on anything).

So we are making a start, because at least 5 presents plus cards and each time I try something new I try to make an extra (just for me !!!, I hate to miss out too, lol) and I only have about 3 weeks to do it all.

I love how these post it note holders have turned out, didn't use my cricut at all for these just some pieces of board covered in paper, bits of ribbon, prima flowers and the clips came from Staples. I think they turned out pretty well, so that's 2 gifts sorted (I feel the need to keep 2 of these!!) only 3 more to go.

More Disney Magic

It' been cricut crazy here today, now that I have got the hang of the Mickey & Friends cart, the sizing & the layering took a while to master, but now that I have managed it just thought i'd share with you a few more of my creations.

I have no idea what to do with these yet because they are quite big, but hopefully they will bring joy.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Treasure hunting !!

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day, so when we picked the children up from school we decided to go treasure hunting or as the professionals call it "Geocaching". I'd found the geocaching site via another blog a few days ago and it sounded brilliant. You program some co-ordinates into your gps which then directs you to a spot where there is treasure waiting to be found. Using the website I found a spot only a couple of miles from home where there was a least 2 lots of treasure to be found, so off we went.

Where did we go - to the ends of the earth - that's where!!!, we parked the car & set off for what seemed like miles into the wilderness. Up over the hill sides, across a golf course until we could almost touch the sky and what did we find - a golf ball!!!!, 2 hours and 3 ratty children later, one of which had fallen down a rabbit hole & twisted his ankle, a very tired 3 year old who had to be carried all the way back to the car and a 6 year old who thought he was Indiana Jones because he found a treasure stick (a 3 foot tree branch!!!) which too had to be carried back to the car, and no treasure!!!!

All in all not how I had imagined how the geocaching experience would be, did we do it wrong, were we in the wrong place, what was in the treasure box, will I ever find out? Questions that i'm not sure will ever be answered, but if they are I will be sure to let you know.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Cricut & Disney, the perfect team

Wow Wow Wow, now that I have got the hang of it, the creations I can make using the Disney carts is making me giddy. If I say so myself they look so proffesional and like you have spent hours creating them.

How am I ever going to get to the bottom of my ironing pile when I can be making these beauties instead. And the problem is I won't just stop at 1, I'll be cutting out Disney characters till the cows come home or until my mat runs out (whichever happens the quickest!!).

It feels good to be sharing my projects, but that in turn makes me want to do more so I am going to have to find a happy medium - kids, craft, craft, husband, craft, food, craft, craft, craft, blog, craft, craft, craft, housework!!!! See I new there would be a happy medium somewhere, who needs ironed clothes anyway (lol)!!!!!

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Another Love

I have my family, I have my friends, I have my Cricut do I have room in my heart for more? OMG yes !!! Along came Bind it All. How is a girl supposed to curb her spending and use the things she already has when these amazing tools keep saying buy me buy me.

And once you have them it's almost like how did I ever manage before, was there life before Cricut & BIA, how did I ever manage to create any thing. Was my crafting just childs play before?, because I now feel like it's in a different league altogether.

I am now creating things that I want to share, I want people to see, I don't want to spend hours crafting only to put in a cupboard. I want people to see what I am capable of, to see that there is more to me than they possibly know. And what a place to start the world wide web!!!!!, who am I kidding I am probably sat here talking to myself but you know what it feels good. To be able to blow your own trumpet once in a while without the fear of being knocked back feels pretty good, everyone should give it a go.

The need to share !!!

As I approach the big 4 0 and I wonder what life has in store for me, I thought it was about time that I did something that my husband has been telling me to do for years - Do something with all that craft stuff !!!!!

So here I am and I am going to share my craft stuff with any one who cares to look, give an opinion or offer any thoughts.

I have spent years creating and crafting and have never really done anything with it. So I will now share my creations with you.

This week my crafting made me officially the coolest mum in school!!!!! (lol). My middle child was 6 this week and on birthdays the children always take sweets and treats for their classmates. Well why take a plastic carrier bag with sweets in when you can create this beauty -

Each of the slices of cake contained sweets and treats, and the colours were chosen as they matched the colours of the tables in the classroom and hey presto by the magic of a Cricut and TBBM a fantastic creation and to top it all mum is the best !!!!