Sunday, 22 June 2008

Cricut & Disney, the perfect team

Wow Wow Wow, now that I have got the hang of it, the creations I can make using the Disney carts is making me giddy. If I say so myself they look so proffesional and like you have spent hours creating them.

How am I ever going to get to the bottom of my ironing pile when I can be making these beauties instead. And the problem is I won't just stop at 1, I'll be cutting out Disney characters till the cows come home or until my mat runs out (whichever happens the quickest!!).

It feels good to be sharing my projects, but that in turn makes me want to do more so I am going to have to find a happy medium - kids, craft, craft, husband, craft, food, craft, craft, craft, blog, craft, craft, craft, housework!!!! See I new there would be a happy medium somewhere, who needs ironed clothes anyway (lol)!!!!!


Rebecca Holliday said...

Beautiful characters! They are so fun to make. Oh yeah -- and just throw the clothes in the dryer a few at a time with a wet washcloth... no ironing needed!! LOL -- more crafting time!!

crafty cricut said...

Wow!! does that really work? Tomorrows wash load i'm going to give it a go. Thank you so much for the tip.
Glad you like the characters, I have got a bit carried away though, we now have a Donald, Pluto, Goofy and a bunch of other things just waiting to be photographed, hopefully I will get chance to load them on here too.
Thanks for stopping by, I really did think when I started this that I would just be chatting to myself, it's great to know that others do stop by from time to time to see what's going on.
Thanks again & Happy crafting X